Home Remote Service Wiko Factory Codes

Wiko Factory Codes

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.99.



Wiko Factory Unlock Codes

From this service you can place the order for any Wiko phone unlock codes. It supports all network and all countries Wiko phones unlocking. Once the order is placed, it will go to Wiko server and will pick the correct code. Everything is automatic, means there will be no delay from our side.

Price : $ 7.00 $ 5.99
Delivery Time: 1-8 Hrs

'); // ADD BOTH THE DIV ELEMENTS TO THE "main" CONTAINER. //$('#main').after(container, divSubmit); } // AFTER REACHING THE SPECIFIED LIMIT, DISABLE THE "ADD" BUTTON. // (20 IS THE LIMIT WE HAVE SET) else { $(container).append(''); $('#btAdd').attr('class', 'bt-disable'); $('#btAdd').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); // REMOVE ONE ELEMENT PER CLICK. $('#btRemove').click(function() { if (iCnt != 1) { $('#lb' + iCnt).remove(); iCnt = iCnt - 1; } if (iCnt == 1) { $(container) .empty() .remove(); $('#btAdd') .removeAttr('disabled') .attr('class', 'bt spclbt'); } }); }); jQuery( document.body ).on('change','#model',function() { var modelid= jQuery('#model').val(); if(modelid =='') { alert('Please select all the inputs') } if(modelid!=''){ jQuery.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: ajax_postajax2_remote.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'model_image_remote', modelid : modelid }, success: function(data) { $('#mobile').attr('src', data); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("Error"); } }); } return false; }); // PICK THE VALUES FROM EACH TEXTBOX WHEN "SUBMIT" BUTTON IS CLICKED. var divValue, values = ''; function GetAlert() { alert('Sorry!! the product is out stock.') } function GetTextValue() { $(divValue) .empty() .remove(); values = ''; var email = $('#suwp-email-response').val(); var cemail = $('#suwp-email-confirm').val(); var model = $('#model').val(); var network = $('#network').val(); var i = 0;var msg=''; var a = []; $('.input').each(function() { i=i+1; if(this.value!=''){ values += this.value + '\n'; a.push(this.value); if(validate(this.value)==0) { msg+= 'IMEI '+i+' not a valid one. The IMEI must be 15-digits. If your phone IMEI is 17 digits, ignore last two digits. To get IMEI of your phone, dial *#06# on your phone screen. For other devices, check the sticker underneath battery.\n'; } } }); c = a.length; $.unique(a); if(c == a.length) { $('#suwp-imei-values').val(values); if(values!='' && email!='' && cemail!='' && msg=='' && model!='' && network!='') $("#frmimei").submit(); else if(msg!='') alert(msg); else alert("Please enter email, confirm email, model, network & atleast one IMEI number"); } else alert("IMEI entries should not contain any duplicate values. "); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('.js-example-basic-single').select2(); });